

Addiction impacts on our financial wellbeing, physical and psychological health, relationships with other’s and has consequences that impact every person involved with the addict.

An addict is not only a person that has become physically or psychologically dependent on a substance but is also a person that continues to use substances and behaviour on an infrequent basis, repeating the process regardless of negative consequences; often regarded as ‘binges’ or ‘binging’.

Addiction and substance misuse is not just about the compulsive and obsessive use of things such as alcohol or drugs, but the involuntary use of a substance or behaviour, such as sex, gaming, eating or gambling.

I see the use of these substances and processes as a symptom of a bigger problem, codependence. For this reason, to be constantly relying on a substance to remove ourselves from our current reality is really a coping mechanism, as one feels our reality is too painful to live in.

Treating addiction is not comfortable as it concerns feelings. Feelings are what we as addicts try to avoid. When we start getting into feelings it’s like running a hot bath. If you climb in it will sting, lower yourself in gently it will sting further. However, when you’ve been in it for a while it doesn’t sting as much, you are able to wash and then climb out clean.

Contact me today for more information

If you would like to learn more about my addiction therapy, contact me today on 0744 556 7783.  Alternatively, submit an enquiry through my website and I shall respond shortly.

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